My Journey to Self-Love

My journey to self-love was very unintentional. I discovered self-love by accident. The woman you see today was birthed from trauma. 5 years ago I was sad. I was heartbroken. I was confused. I was lost. I was lonely but I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I lost my relationship but I gained self-awareness. The break up taught me that you can't learn how to love yourself in a romantic relationship. The journey to self-love is meant to be experienced alone. I was afraid to be alone though because it meant staring at myself in the mirror. Staring at myself in the mirror meant addressing my past and peeling back the layers I avoided for so long. I used to believe that if you ran from your past it would go away but boy was I wrong! 

Up until a few years ago, I didn't even realize that I always wanted to be surrounded by someone. I always wanted to be loved. All those years I chased other people when I should’ve been running back to myself. I needed my love the most. 

I’m so grateful for motherhood because it motivated me to start my journey. It encouraged me to love myself, take care of myself, and get to know myself better. I’m a huge believer in practicing what I preach. I wouldn't be able to teach my daughter how to embrace herself if I didn't learn first. 

As I sit back and reflect, I’m the happiest I've ever been in life. Not because I have an amazing Fiancé and daughter but because I have a great sense of self. I can truly say that I love myself, I like myself, and I enjoy my own company. 

I embrace who I am today and the woman I'm becoming. I don’t have to wear a mask anymore when I leave the house. I’m not yearning to be liked, loved, wanted, or accepted by anyone anymore. I’m at peace!

As you embark on your self-love journey, I want you to remember a few things:

No one is responsible for your happiness.

Learning to love yourself requires you to be alone.

Everything works out exactly the way it should. 

My journey to self-love is one of the most life changing parts of my story and soon you will be able to say the same! As you may already know, I am launching a guided journal (very soon) for women that nurtures self-love, self-healing, and self-discovery. I hope you're ready for the breakthrough of your life Sis! We’re going all the way up this year! 

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